Lab Rules

Computer Lab Rules(Students Handbook)

A.  Prepare properly.

  •     Leave your personal belongings, e.g. backpack, food and drinks outside the lab or at the designated place
  •   Take the seat allocated by your teacher.

B.   Follow instructions.

  • Ask for permission to use the computer unless you are instructed to.
  • Perform only those tasks authorized by your teacher.  Unauthorized tasks such as games, surfing, chatting and personal emails are not allowed.
  • Avoid all horseplay in the laboratory.
  • Do not reboot, turn off, or move any workstation or PC.  Do not load any software on any lab computer.  Only lab operators and technical support personnel are authorized to carry out these tasks.
  • Ask your teacher before proceeding with the activity if you don’t understand.

C.   Keep your area clean and neat.

  • Do not eat, drink or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.
  • Clean up after yourself and put things back.

Any misuse of computers or the internet will result in a ban from their use.